Reorganising companies and foreign investments
In the area of reorganising companies and foreign investments:
Mergers, Acquisitions Privatiztions and etc are of a great significance as they are hard to be executed but meanwhile thy have a big impact on the companies financial condition. Such decisions are preceded by careful consideration of all of the possible alternatives. Our experience in this sphere will help you to make the right decision in a way that will prevent you from the constantly changing lеgislation and procedures. We will assist you not only by providing you with the different legal and accounting aspects but also we will advice you on the most quick, easy and of course effective way to realise the deal. We offer you the opportunity to negotiate with the relevant authorities and companies on your behalf and draw up, legalize and enter into agreements. Our partnerships with all commercial banks in Bulgaria allow us to cooperate and consult you when receiving any loans.
Our service package includes:
-legal advises on the possible ways to start the procedure and the successful end of your business reorganisation оr public company privatisation
-preparation and negotiation, related to your business reorganisation and privatisation
-legal analysis with a view to study the state of the deal object
-receiving the necessary licences and approvals from the authorities